Best Urologist Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema is a urologist. He has over 21 years of experience in the field of urology and practices at Saleem Memorial Hospital. His areas of interest include endourology and laser surgery, diagnosis of enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction, kidney disease, renal failure, nephrectomy, penile implants, percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL), prostatectomy, pyelolithotomy, radical proctectomy, blatotomy, blatotomy, blatotomy, , Male sexual health, prostate disease, stone disease, urinary tract stones.
Urologist Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema – is a specialist with extensive education and training in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urogenital diseases. He specializes in the treatment of conditions involving the bladder, urethra, ureters and related reproductive parts such as the testicles and pelvic floor.
Primary care physicians see a wide variety of diseases during the day, while urologist Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema focuses on urinary disorders and provides treatment for the condition in a friendly environment.
Dr. Zubair Ahmad Cheema can provide prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure for problems such as urinary tract infections, testicular tumors, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary incontinence, hematuria, erectile dysfunction, bladder prolapse and prostate, bladder or kidney cancer. .
To identify and treat the underlying disease, urologists may perform services such as cystoscopy, bladder or prostate cancer surgery, balloon dilation, kidney transplant, prostatectomy, or hypospadias repair.
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